Book blog featuring books, literature, and life.

Panel 3


Book Review: Dark Heir (Dark Rise #2) by C.S. Pacat (Light Spoilers Round 2)

If the Dark Rise trilogy is marked by its contradictions, complexity, and inevitability. Then C.S. Pacat’s work is marked by Pacat’s affinity for morally gray characters, characters who beneath the veneer of sharp words and a tough exterior hide injustices done to them, and that not all heroes are simply good or bad. All are present in Dark Heir, making for a delicious read that will have you questioning what it means to be good or evil, and if who you once were means more than who you are and could be. 

Book Review: Funny Story by Emily Henry

I find that Emily Henry just gets it. She didn’t give birth to me but she delivered me this great novel.

She delivers each time, even when I don’t believe she will—that this will be the novel where she falls short. So, when she starts by telling Daphne and Peter’s love story…